Blue Jay Club Coaches Corner

Blue Jay Basketball Club strives to help coaches focus on skill development across all teams.  We strive for continuity amongst our coaches to ensure similar skills are taught across all teams which gives players the same opportunity to grow their game. Strong continuity is very important as players move onto tournament season.


Here you will find the items to emphasize along with practice plans, drills and other resources to help your season run smooth!


Note - click on the blue links to view video examples of certain items

  1. Run 4-out 1-in motion offense (Spacng and Concepts)
  2. Spacing and When to cut (staying 10-15 feet apart)
  3. Dribble at basket (downhill) in straight line
  4. Attack to the open space and 3-4 dribbles max (then need to be shooting or passing)
  5. During dead ball situations - cut to hoop, fill open space
  6. When attacking, if I see chest I need to pass, if I see shoulder I keep going
  7. Cut when my defender loses sight of me and always cut toward my basket to get open
  8. Chest should be facing my basket as often as possible


  1. Only man-to-man defense should be taught and played
  2. Back should be facing basket
  3. Defensive players chest should always be facing towards the play they are guarding.
  4. Always move when the ball moves - dribbled or passed (either getting closer to my man or basket depending on which way ball is going).
  5. Positioned between man and basket
  6. Defensive players must see both basketball and their man at all times.
  7. In right help side positions (i.e. 1 pass away should be filling gap, 2 passes away one foot in lane, 3 passes away on help/rim line).
  8. Ball is most important thing to get stopped - no one scores without the ball
  9. Run shell drill every practice to emphasize proper help defense positioning. 

Practice Plans and Drills

Practice and Game Resources For Coaches

Coaching Tips

Quick links

Close up midsection of male coach using digital tablet while standing in court

Please contact the club if you have any questions on drills, practice tips or need suggestions.

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Please contact us if you have questions, suggestions or need help with any practice plans.


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Junior level basketball player holding game ball at practice drill. Basketball training session for kids
Junior young basketball team with a coach, group of kids children team having training and team talk speach with trainer instructor, basket coach explaining the game plan tactics on a clipboard
Basketball game venue
Camp Photo
Young Basketball Player on Practice Session. Youth Basketball Team Bouncing Balls on Sports Court. Group of Kids Training Basketball Together
Blank basketball grid on white paper